Each and every single thing my fellow gamer. The sooner you understand that the sooner you will stop asking if something is a Jojo reference and simply accept it and move on.
That's what I learned.
Oh, and if you didn't know even the recent assassination attempt was a Jojo reference
First, you should definitely mention to the player that pressing the pressing the ''square at the lower right'' of the game will let them play the game in full screen.
I found the game 10 times better when I toggled full screen on.
Now on to my review:
Man, this is my first time playing one of your VN and I already want to know the continuation. The plot and music are top-notch. I guess I should use my time free to get to check the other games in the series.
Μου αρέσει η ιστορία που δημιούργησες και σε αυτό, δεν περίμενα ότι ο Butterfly θα αποκτήσει άλλο παιχνίδι για τον εαυτό του, πραγματικά κρίνεις τον χαρακτήρα του, παρόλο που έπρεπε να βασανιστεί πολύ... Τέλος πάντων ως κάποιος που έχει έπαιξα κυρίως όλο το παιχνίδι της σειράς, είναι μια πολύ διαφορετική εμπειρία σε σύγκριση με την πρώτη φορά που έπαιξα το "Null", έχω προκατειλημμένη διάθεση να επιλέξω συγκεκριμένα έναν χαρακτήρα όπως ο Hassan ή ο Isaac για να ψηφίσω όταν τους γνωρίζω σε όλη τη σειρά.
τελικά Θα ήταν ωραίο αν η μουσική υπόκρουση για τη μάχη με το Σύστημα ήταν ένα τραγούδι του Sistem
Don't use people's games to self-promote that's very self-centric and stupid.
If you want to promote your game, then do it the right way through social media and create an awesome game that will make people want to play it and support you.
I'm not saying building a fan base and maintaining is easy I have many friends who create games and they all struggled at the start
But with enough dedication and hard work you will be able to do it
I recommend you check out these hacks by Nefu he gives amazing tips to promote your game without resorting to shamless self promotion
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(Tip for new players: Play the little box with the arrows on the lower right of the screen to activate the full screen)
I really enjoyed this visual novel!
At first, I wasn't sure if I'd like it or not, but the story drew me in, and before I knew it, I'd gone through the whole thing!
It's well-written and kept me intrigued the whole time.
When it got to a certain choice I actually went and played the other games of the series to see what they all had, and I'm glad I did!
Thank you for making this :D
I know it says this game is inspired by among us and Danganronpa but it actually reminded me more of the town of Salem
Have you played this game?
It's so rare to meet another Town of Salem fan
I swear sometimes I feel I'm the only person who remember this game.
This game was Among us before Among us was even a thing
and does the concept a million times better in my honest opinion.
God, I'm so old I even remember when ttown of Salem was free to play
before the studio sold out and became a money greedy bastard
I still have a tuba antics video about it
Is ThIs A JoJo ReFeReNcE??!"
but seriously
The characters, their stories and fates were nicely crafted.
The descriptions and images of the murders were truly chilling. And the writing was executed flawlessly.
Well done and thank you for your hard work! <3
btw can I have the name of the game songs it really reminds me of two similar-sounding songs but different
I'm sure you must have heard this once
I haven't played the other games in the series (yet), but this story just blew my mind.
Now I'm DYING to know what happens in the other games.
I clicked this game because I was bored,
But I was hooked instantly.
I would rate it 35/10. It's that good.
This is off topic but best AOT opening is opening 4
Everything is a Jojo reference man.
Each and every single thing my fellow gamer. The sooner you understand that the sooner you will stop asking if something is a Jojo reference and simply accept it and move on.
That's what I learned.
Oh, and if you didn't know even the recent assassination attempt was a Jojo reference
He literally did a stand
Jojo is PEAK
Adoro davvero Jojo
sussy bussy yussy
Red is sus
i swear like every i read the word among us
the vine boom sound effect plays in my head
I need help
Please end help plizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Damn you are all still stuck with old ass meme
The among us meme was like 4 years ago
It's such a stale us meme
No one even plays Among us anymore and in my opinion Among Us wasn't that good in the first place
If you want a better more superior version of among us then go play Project winter
What's wrong with people still enjoying Among Us in 2024?
Why do you need to go out of your way to judge them and what if they still find among us memes funny there is nothing wrong with that
I still play among us with some of my friends to this day and it's a fun time
And yes, I still find among us memes very entertaining. Give them a chance you might like them too
First, you should definitely mention to the player that pressing the pressing the ''square at the lower right'' of the game will let them play the game in full screen.
I found the game 10 times better when I toggled full screen on.
Now on to my review:
Man, this is my first time playing one of your VN and I already want to know the continuation. The plot and music are top-notch. I guess I should use my time free to get to check the other games in the series.
Amazing job though. Loved the story :)
I got ejected from the space fr
During that whole scene I felt like Makoto from DR1 I was worried I chose the wrong choice somewhere.
if you refereeing to the animation in the game then yes I agree but if you are talking about the scene in the anime then it's dog ass imo
I don't think the Danganronpa 1 anime was that bad
people like to shit on it to see smarter than they are and feel like a part of the community but in all honesty it was a very faithful adaptation
I really hope they made a Danganronpa 2 anime that game is my favorite in the series and has probably the cutest characters
Especially the gamer girl you know who I'm talking about
Anyway one thing we can all agree about is that Danganronpa V3 SUCKS ASSS
Siete fin troppo duri nei confronti di Danganronpa V3: non era il
gioco perfetto ma il concetto era davvero unico ed emozionante.
Sento anche che lo sviluppatore stava sostanzialmente dicendo che era stanco di creare giochi mortali e voleva solo passare ad altri
giochi, ecco perché ha deciso di creare Danganronpa V3
Danganronpa fans would talk about the game everywhere even on the comment section of another game XDDDD
Μου αρέσει η ιστορία που δημιούργησες και σε αυτό, δεν περίμενα ότι ο Butterfly θα αποκτήσει άλλο παιχνίδι για τον εαυτό του, πραγματικά κρίνεις τον χαρακτήρα του, παρόλο που έπρεπε να βασανιστεί πολύ... Τέλος πάντων ως κάποιος που έχει έπαιξα κυρίως όλο το παιχνίδι της σειράς, είναι μια πολύ διαφορετική εμπειρία σε σύγκριση με την πρώτη φορά που έπαιξα το "Null", έχω προκατειλημμένη διάθεση να επιλέξω συγκεκριμένα έναν χαρακτήρα όπως ο Hassan ή ο Isaac για να ψηφίσω όταν τους γνωρίζω σε όλη τη σειρά.
τελικά Θα ήταν ωραίο αν η μουσική υπόκρουση για τη μάχη με το Σύστημα ήταν ένα τραγούδι του Sistem
Fellow Greek detected !!!!!!!!
Turkey number one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why did you have to go and make it political
I was simply saying Hi to a fellow country man but you had to turn it
into something negative,huh?
Whatever, I'm not gonna sink to your level
I will simply ignore you child behavior
please check out this video
Don't use people's games to self-promote that's very self-centric and stupid.
If you want to promote your game, then do it the right way through social media and create an awesome game that will make people want to play it and support you.
I'm not saying building a fan base and maintaining is easy I have many friends who create games and they all struggled at the start
But with enough dedication and hard work you will be able to do it
I recommend you check out these hacks by Nefu he gives amazing tips to promote your game without resorting to shamless self promotion
Bro is hustling
Leave Bro alone he's trying to get that bread
So don't be hating
Not everyone can afford to pay for X and Facebook ads
I mean he's not hurting anyone so why did you tighten up for
96 percent of indie games fail miserably so this whole thing is rigged anyway indie devs themselves admitted that
like others said you need to promote your game the ethical way
here is more tips more specific and detailed to your situation
Just put the fries in the bag bro ain't no one gonna check your shameless self promotion